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coffee recipes leftover coffee

14 Great Ideas for Leftover Coffee

(in addition to just drinking it!)

A friend of mine had a company called Rum, Sand and Sea through which he distributed, among other things made in the Caribbean, Java’Mon coffee from the nearby island of St. John in the US Virgin Islands. Apropos of this Sam asked if I could come up with some good coffee recipes and I could!  (Incidentally this is why I have included American cup measurements in these coffee recipes, which is not normal for me.)

As Da Java’mon say ~ Catch an IRIE feelin’

Coffee Caramel Syrup

I have added a little salt: my Dad used to add a pinch of salt to coffee and for years I didn’t understand why, although it did taste good. Now I am all grown up I realise that salt somehow reduces coffee’s bitterness and enhances the flavour – “Good Girl Daddy” as I used to say before I became so mature, some weeks ago, now!.

Double strength coffee is, of course, coffee made with twice as much coffee to water as you usually use (or half as much water to coffee, whichever you prefer!).

225g (1 cup) sugar
120ml (½ cup) water
a pinch of salt
240ml (1cup) double strength coffee

~   Set the coffee beside the stove.
~   In a saucepan over low heat stir together the sugar and the water till the sugar is dissolved and then bring to a boil. Don’t stir any more but when it starts turning colour you can swirl it about a bit.
~   Boil to a deep golden brown watching carefully, swirling occasionally.
~   As soon as it reaches deep golden brown all at once yet carefully (it will boil rapidly) add the coffee and stir over medium heat till the caramel has melted back into the coffee.
~   Add the pinch of salt.
~   Simmer stirring occasionally till the syrup has reduced and thickened slightly – about 5 minutes.
~   Cool, decant into a bottle or jar, cover and store in the fridge where it should be OK for up to 6 months but if it has mould it is not OK and it time to make some more.

Drizzle over ice cream, pancakes and so on, use to flavour milkshakes, frostings etc. or make …

Coffee Granita or Sorbet

Freeze the above syrup and then …

Granita is made by giving the mixture an occasional stir with a fork to draw the frozen edges into the softer middle. Return to the freezer, and repeat every half an hour or so till it is a mass of frozen crystals. The finished granita should be light and crunchy, give it a final scrape with the fork before serving to separate the crystals.

A sorbet is a smoother ice which can be churned in an ice cream machine for a soft texture but this can also be achieved without a machine by enthusiastic whisking by hand or with an electric whisk every 30 minutes whilst freezing or even better when completely frozen let it thaw slightly! I know – what a surprise! Break into large pieces and run through the food processor till smooth. Re-freeze till needed.  

coffee sorbet granita recipe

Caramel Coffee Frappe (posh milkshake)

3 medium scoops vanilla ice cream
about 8 ice cubes
240ml (1 cup) delicious coffee – chilled
120ml (½ cup) milk
2 tablespoons Coffee Caramel Syrup
whipped cream for topping
cocoa powder for dusting

~   Basically blend together everything but the whipped cream and cocoa in a liquidiser strong enough the crush the ice.
~   Pour into a large glass and top with cream and cocoa, however …

If you are not sufficiently equipped to crush ice this way then wrap it in a tea towel, smash to pieces with a hammer or similar and put in the glass. Pour over the coffee mixture, or …

Just put the whole ice cubes in the glass before adding the drink!

Ca Phe Sua Da – Vietnamese Iced Coffee

This is surprisingly delicious so don’t sneer till you’ve tried it! For a simple version stir together one part condensed milk and three parts delicious hot coffee. Pour this over the back of a teaspoon into a tall glass containing loads of ice cubes.

Irish Coffee

(and other nationalities of course depending on your chose liqueur)

Per person …

A tot of Irish Whiskey (or other delicious spirit or liqueur)
1 tsp sugar
a cupful of hot strong black coffee
60ml (¼ cup) double cream

~   Warm a generous wine glass in warm water (this is to stop it cracking with the heat of the coffee) and put a teaspoon in it (so is this!).
~   Put the sugar and half the coffee in the glass and stir to dissolve the sugar.
~   Stir in the alcohol and then add enough coffee to come to about 1cm/½” below the top of the glass.
~   Stir then slowly pour the cream over the back of a teaspoon onto the surface of the coffee where it should float

Affogato …

… is Italian for “drowned” and in the foodie world usually refers to ice cream ‘drowned’ in coffee, in which case its full name is Affogato al Caffe. If using Java’mon coffee then it would  be appropriate to add rum, of course, and maybe sprinkle with broken sugar cake.

Per person …

1 scoop chosen ice cream
1 shot /30 ml espresso or strong coffee or whatever your choice is
1 tbsp brandy or some other spirit or liqueur – optional
2 amaretti or something suitable and crumbly – optional

~   Chill serving dish(es).
~   Put a scoop of chosen ice cream into each dish and return to the freezer for a few minutes.
~   Brew coffee or espresso.
~   Have ready chosen liqueur if using.
~   Crumble crumbly thing if using.
~   Remove ice cream from freezer and swiftly and immediately pour liqueur and coffee over it.
~   Sprinkle with crumbly thing and serve.

ice cream affogato

Dark Mocha Sauce

For ice creams, cakes, desserts in general or just eating.

dark chocolate sauce

80ml (⅓ cup) brewed coffee, 
85g (½ cup) soft dark brown sugar
60g (½ cup) cocoa powder
pinch salt
30g (2 tbsp) butter
½ tsp vanilla extract

~   Whisk together the coffee and sugar in a small pan over medium heat till the sugar has melted.
~   Whisk in the cocoa and salt till smooth.
~   Finally whisk in the butter and vanilla extract.
~   Serve hot or cold (or warm) or like this with coffee ice cream (recipe in my no-churn ice cream book) and buttery cake croutons.

Coffee Meringues

See here for my honestly fail-proof recipe Coffee Meringue recipe and other meringus. 

homemade coffee meringues

Coffee Brittle and/or Praline

100g (½ cup) sugar
½ tbsp (or more if you like) ground coffee

~   Put a lightly greased baking tray standing on a wooden board or other heat proof surface beside the stove.
~   In a heavy based pan over low heat melt the sugar, shaking occasionally, till it starts to go see-through!
~   Keep watching and shaking, even swirling is an option but no stirring, till the sugar has turned a deep reddish brown.
~   Stir in the coffee and immediately plus very carefully pour onto the greased board.
~   Leave it completely and utterly alone (in fact spurn it!) till cold and hard.
~   Break into shards or crush into praline.

And a couple of savoury ideas …

Ham with Red Eye Gravy

Per person

a teaspoon of bacon fat
a thick slice of ham (a gammon steak perchance)
a pinch of sugar
30ml (2 tbsp) strong coffee

~   Melt the bacon fat in a heavy pan, cook the ham in it then set aside and keep warm.
~   Add the sugar and coffee to the pan and cook, stirring and scraping up any meaty juices.
~   Taste, season, dilute if necessary with a little more coffee or water and pour over the ham.

Coffee Rub for Steaks 

Enough for 4 steaks

3 tablespoons finely ground coffee
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
1 tsp soft dark brown sugar
½ tsp crunchy sea salt
a little oil

~   Mix everything but the oil together.
~   Brush steaks with a little oil then rub and press the dry mixture onto them.
~   Leave a few minutes to absorb flavours then grill or fry as you wish.

Lots of other things can, of course, be added to this basic rub; cocoa is often used and chilli would be good with this, smoke paprika is another idea, garlic of course.  I’ll leave it to you.

Coffee Flavoured Porridge

Just replace some of the milk, when making porridge, with leftover coffee. Serve with soft light brown sugar and maybe a drizzle of Drambuie!

Iced Coffee

Fill tall glasses with ice cubes, maybe the coffee ice cubes below, and then almost fill the glass with cold or, even better, chilled coffee.  Add sugar or coffee syrup (above) to taste and then stir in a tablespoon or so of cream – double cream is best.

Coffee Ice Cubes

If none of these ideas inspire you then just freeze leftover coffee in ice cubes and add them to iced coffee or coffee based cocktails.

glass of iced coffee
scattered coffee beans

Coffee Art

If you have leftover coffee grounds you don’t know what to do with – have a look here! #zerowastecoffee

Oh and …

coffee sleeping problems
download free cooking tips

Having been a somewhat itinerant chef for over 30 years I was amazed, on my return to the UK, at the blatant food waste that now seems to be rife in the country; amazed and irritated. So much so that I decided to start a blog about spontaneous cooking from leftovers to show people that there are great alternatives to throwing food away.


  • Charlotte Oates

    These all look amazing. I love coffee and I would happily try all of these (although I'l particularly drawn to the frappe and the meringues).

    Thanks so much for joining #FoodYearLinkup x

  • Bel MumsTakeFive

    Thank you so much for sharing… after my heart there. I have also zipped over to your meringues and then back and i'm now stalking you on pinterest and bloglovin too 🙂 Thank you for contributing to The Sunday Brunch Magazine, Great to see you, Kind Regards Eliza & Bel

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