Cinnamon Toast, Vanilla Toast & Delicious Variations
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It is a well known fact that Cinnamon Toast is both yummy and easy, well today I made maple toast with some maple sugar my Canadian friend Lynnie gave me and it was gorgeous.
I just substituted the maple sugar for cinnamon sugar in the method below. I know we are not all lucky enough to have access to maple sugar but don’t dispair I have some more ideas …
Cinnamon Toast
Just grill sliced bread on both sides till golden, generously butter the toast right out to the edges and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar (ground cinnamon to sugar in the ratio 1:3 or to taste) then pop back under the grill till bubbling and smelling delicious.
Flavoured Sugars
In my time I have also experimented with …
~ Vanilla Toast with vanilla sugar (which is made by leaving a vanilla pod in a container of sugar for a week or two – see here for lots info of on lovely vanilla)
~ Mocha Toast add ½ tsp cocoa and ¼ tsp crushed coffee granules to 2 tbsp sugar
~ Salted Caramel Toast – use plain sugar on the buttered toast, caramelise under the grill and then (food fashionista or what!) sprinkle with a little crunchy sea salt.
Today I made Maple Toast, with the maple sugar, so good!
I just wanted to share that with you, it wasn’t lunch but it was sudden!
Incidentally Padstow woods are looking particularly dingly at the moment …
Suzy Bowler
Having been a somewhat itinerant chef for over 30 years I was amazed, on my return to the UK, at the blatant food waste that now seems to be rife in the country; amazed and irritated. So much so that I decided to start a blog about spontaneous cooking from leftovers to show people that there are great alternatives to throwing food away.
Kristina Vanni
Love the idea of using maple sugar! I am obsessed with anything maple flavored and I had never thought of using it in this way!
Food Frenzy