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chicken liver pate sourdough

Pâté Cake (Baker’s man!) and more ideas for Leftover Pâté!

My friend Carol gave me a little pot of homemade Chicken Liver Pâté ~ delicious and happily rather garlicky so I didn’t have to share with my Real Man who, of course, doesn’t like that sort of thing. 

I did feel a bit panicky for a moment when I realised I had no red wine (!) but then I remembered a modicum of leftover dessert wine in the fridge and calmed down.  Phew!  

I ran out of toast before I finished the pâté and so trying to be a good girl I put the pot in the fridge for later and, of course, forgot about it. 

Today I noticed it and, among other things, I thought “hmm”. 

I was cooking some sweet and tender onions at the time  so added a spoonful of them to the pâté together with enough fresh breadcrumbs to make the texture capable of holding together.  I was tempted to add and egg but at the same time didn’t fancy it so didn’t and I’m glad.

I then made a little pâté cake, coated it in panko crumbs and fried till crisp.  It worked out really well with the sharp sweetness of the glaze and the crunch of the toast against the rich lushness of the pâté. So that was today’s sudden lunch!

Here are some more ideas if you, like me, find yourself looking in the fridge and thinking …

 “Bugger me, what shall I do with this bit of pâté?”

leftover paté cakes

~   Make a savoury butter (lots of info on flavoured butters here).  Just mash the room temp pâté with about the same amount of soft butter.  Taste and season as necessary.  Roll into a log and chill (or freeze).  Slice and serve on top of steak or burgers or deglaze the pan after cooking same and then stir in a piece of the pâté-butter to monter au beurre as we say in the trade. Or perhaps we don’t, we used to!  Literally it means “to build with butter” ie to add texture and gloss to a sauce by stirring in cold butter at the last minute.
~   Reduce a little red wine to about half its quantity and stir in the pâté till melted and merged.  Add cream or butter and seasonings to taste and use as a sauce, if there is enough of it then toss with freshly cooked pasta and sprinkle utterly gorgeous bacon salt – recipe here.
~   Crumble or cream the pâté and mix together with  vinaigrette (lots of vinaigrette recipes to choose from here) to make an interesting salad dressing, particularly good on spinach and bacon salads.
~  When making Beef Wellington  spread chicken liver pâté or leftover pâté de foie gras (you know how it is!) down the centre of the pastry before adding the seared fillet of beef!

Or, make Dirty Rice as follows …

Faux Dirty Rice

Dirty Rice is a Cajun dish comprising rice cooked with chicken livers, gizzards etc. which make it look dirty but taste grand.  Here is my cobbled together version …

1 onion – finely chopped
1 rib celery – finely chopped
½ carrot – finely chopped
maybe ½ a red pepper – finely chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
smidge of garlic
salt, pepper and cayenne (optional)
1 mug long grain rice
2 mugs chicken stock
an assembly of porky things eg. minced pork, coarsely chopped bacon, crumbled     sausage etc.
leftover chicken liver pâté

~   Fry together the onions, celery, carrot and red pepper till tender and starting to brown.
~   Stir in the garlic plus salt and pepper and maybe a little cayenne and then stir in the rice.
~   Pour in the stock, stir a little and then bring to a boil
~   Turn down the heat, cover and simmer till all the liquid has been absorbed which takes 12-15 minutes. 
~   Meanwhile sauté the meats in a little more oil till cooked through.
~   When the meats are ready stir in the pâté and allow it to warm and melt.
~   When the rice is cooked pour over the meat mixture, cover and leave a few minutes for flavours to meld before gently folding in and serving, preferably with hot sauce to hand.  A parsley sprinkle would be a good idea too.

If these are all the ideas I can come up with, just like that, for leftover paté doesn’t it make you wonder what idea I have for the other 449 potential leftovers in my book, Creative Ways to Use Up Leftovers?

the ultimate leftovers cookbook

Have a look inside!

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Having been a somewhat itinerant chef for over 30 years I was amazed, on my return to the UK, at the blatant food waste that now seems to be rife in the country; amazed and irritated. So much so that I decided to start a blog about spontaneous cooking from leftovers to show people that there are great alternatives to throwing food away.

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