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How to Make an Easy Lunch for Sudden Friends

A few times recently people have popped round to see us and stayed for lunch (as suggested by me) and I have put on a spontaneous collection of items that I’ve found in the fridge and pantry, some good bread, an offer of wine et voila a sudden easy lunch! 

cheese chorizo salad wine, easy lunch

This is ideal for summer entertaining when you don’t fancy all the faff of cooking and being away from the party but, on the other hand, a few bags of crisps seems a bit stingy.  There is a middle road, however; I call it the Sociable Feast.

Simply put this is an assortment of complementary bits and pieces, some of which can be prepared ahead if you have time, bunged on the table so that everyone, including you, can snack and nibble whilst enjoying the scintillating conversation, flirting, gossip and what not.

Firstly, here’s a recipe for a perfect sociable feast followed by lots of food ideas.

Eating Al Fresco

eating outside, al fresco dining, picnic

~   Place the table in a flat and attractive space in the garden or on the terrace. This could be in the sun or the shade, according to taste.
~   Arrange the chairs around the table.
~ Look at the wine bottles and sort into two basic colours.  Chill the white wines, open some of the red bottles so that the wine can breathe (it is, of course, always possible to open more later).
~   Place your choice of plates, glasses, knives, forks etc. on the table.
~   If you have plumped for flowers scatter them randomly yet attractively on the table top or put into low vases and place at intervals.
~   Assemble your friends and place one on each chair.
~   Put some bottles of wine on the table.
~   Place the food on the table.
~   Invite friends to partake.

spontaneous easy lunch of cheese, bread, wine, fruit, nuts and accompaniments

Alternatively, a picnic works well too although takes a little more planning (picnic ideas here) and even eating indoors can be great if you have good food and good company.

The Food …

Cheese is the perfect foundation for a sociable feast. I always have mature Cheddar, Gran Padano, Herb & Garlic Boursin and a blue cheese such as St. Agur, Castello or Cambozola in the fridge.  Recently my guests were lucky enough to find me with some Vintage Gouda too!  

If you are planning ahead a mixture of cheeses; hard, creamy, pungent, salty etc. is good but just one great cheese can work well too .

Here are some cheese friendly sides …

blue cheese with sauteed grapes easy luunch

Fruits & Nuts

Grapes, of course.  If you have got time to plan ahead you might like to try Sautéed Grapes.

A perfectly ripe pear is a humdinger with blue cheese and so are these Sugared Walnuts (be sure to add a good dose of black pepper). 

Nice fresh plump figs go well with most cheeses.


I like to add some chorizo (I always have chorizo for these 21 good reasons), prosciutto or pâté to the platter. Here’s a lovely cheese friendly idea if you do have time think ahead …

Chorizo in Red Wine

200g spicy chorizo sliced about this thick [  ]
½ tbsp olive oil
1 small red onion – finely chopped
a little garlic – finely diced
200ml red wine
1 tbsp honey

~   Fry the chorizo slices in the olive oil for a couple of minutes on each side then set aside.
~   Cook the onion and garlic in the residual oil till tender.
~   Add the wine, bring to a boil, return the chorizo to the pan, turn down the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
~   Set the chorizo aside again!
~   Add the honey to the pan and boil till you have a syrup.
~   Turn off the heat and return the chorizo again.

Nicest served warm.

chorizo cooked in red wine
squeezing soft, buttery roasted garlic

Roasted Garlic

Beautiful with goats’ cheese and blue cheese but with others too.  Serve the halves whole (so to speak!) and quests can squeeze them straight onto the good bread you are serving. 

See here for how to make delicious roasted garlic and lots of ideas for using it. 

black garlic cloves

Black Garlic

This is wonderful stuff and goes very well in a cold collation such as this.

If you are already familiar with (and in love) with it here are some ideas and info about black garlic.


If you have the makings a green salad is a good addition to your feast or maybe some coleslaw. 

Sweet little tomatoes are also good either whole or sliced, tossed with finely chopped red onion, seasoned and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and a little balsamic or sherry vinegar.

homemade sourdough, cheese, tomato salad easy lunch

And here are Six Sexy Salads that would be suitable if you have a little time.

Speaking of tomatoes …

roasted tomatoes, mozzarella, flatbread

Roasted Tomatoes

These are great with soft cheese, try them hot over mozzarella,   …

~   Preheat oven to 200°C/400°F/180ºC fan/gas 6
~   Halve cherry tomatoes, or keep whole if tiny, and toss with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. 
~   Spread on a baking sheet and roast for about 10 minutes till soft and collapsing.

truffle honey with cheese


You could also add mustard, pickles, chutney (especially caramelised red onion chutney), salad dressing if you are serving salad (obviously!) and truffle honey which goes very well with blue cheese and strong Cheddar. 

Speaking of leftovers …

creative ways to use up leftovers, leftovers recipes, leftovers cookbook

Read more here …

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Having been a somewhat itinerant chef for over 30 years I was amazed, on my return to the UK, at the blatant food waste that now seems to be rife in the country; amazed and irritated. So much so that I decided to start a blog about spontaneous cooking from leftovers to show people that there are great alternatives to throwing food away.

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