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panko breadcrumbs

Delicious Ways to Use Panko Crumbs!

A while ago now I got to fancying some panko crumbs. 

I used to buy them by the sack load when working in the BVI (I have a feeling they were much cheaper there) and used them mainly to make an uber crunchy version of Fish ‘n’ Chips.  

hippies use side door sign

So I went into the lovely shop in St. Austell, Nature Kitchen, where I boldly walked in the front door despite the sign in the window!

After a pleasant browse I almost bought a small box of panko crumbs when the friendly girl behind the counter suggested that instead I had the much larger more authentic and I don’t think much more expensive bag (pictures above).  So that’s what I did.  

Panko are a great thing to keep in the Storecupboard – they are perfect for perking up leftovers and just generally enhancing things.  I’ve been playing with them a bit.

The first thing I did was an experiment  …

Panko Topped Pancakes

I have always have the last couple of pancakes after cooking everyone else’s, partly because I am a really nice lady and partly because I cook mine in an unhealthily large amount of oil so that the edges go all crispy.  Today, instead I poured the batter into the lightly oiled pan and then sprinkled the uncooked top with panko crumbs.  Once flipped and cooked on both sides this made a gorgeously crunchy pancake and is probably the way I shall cook pancakes for the rest of my life.

This is best with American thick and fluffy pancakes.

panko topped pancakes

Pleased with this result I decided to try …

Panko Crusted French Toast

Not an entirely original idea as Mrs. Beeton did write something about dipping bread in milk and then coating with breadcrumbs and frying it.  I tried doing this for a recent article I wrote for Vegetarian Living magazine and it was not that pleasant until I played with it a bit. 

I’ve made a lot of French Toast in my time doing brunches and as I make it with a creamy custardy middle am often asked for my recipe.  I haven’t really got a recipe, however, just a method which is …

~   Use soft white bread – it is rare that I recommend such a thing – not too fresh.
~   Cut the bread a little thick – maybe 20mm or ¾ of an inch or something like that.
~   Soak the bread in this for 10 minutes or so rather than just dipping it in.

For 2 thick slices of bread I whisked together 1 egg, ½ tsp caster sugar, 3 small drips of vanilla extract, 1 tbsp double cream and about 3-4 tbsp of milk.  Having soaked the bread I coated both sides with panko crumbs and fried in light olive oil till crisp and golden.

panko crusted french toast

In both the above “recipes” the crisp golden crumbs capture the syrup and butter in a most edifying manner and the crunch is divine.

So that was breakfast.

I have also had two sudden lunches recently involving panko crumbs and shallow frying. 

The best way to make sure crumbs (panko or otherwise) form a crisp and stable coating is to have ready a plate of seasoned flour, a bowl of beaten egg and a roomy kind of box or bowl of crumbs ready. 

Coat whatever you are going to fry in the flour, dip into the egg and then shake about in the crumbs till completely coated. 

Monitor the time and temperature carefully whilst cooking so as to ensure that the crumbs don’t get too brown till the inside of the dish, whatever it is, is cooked and hot.  

Crisp Courgette Batons/Sticks/Crudité Things

I just coated the pieces of courgette as above and fried in a little olive oil paying attention and turning frequently.

panko crusted zucchini

Pan Fried Panko Crusted Brie

panko coated brie

This really does need a little care with cooking; the brie melts quite quickly so make sure the crumbs are cooked in time!  Just shallow fry in olive oil and turn oh so carefully; I use my hands but you might not be so stupid!

I used to serve with with an apple and calvados sauce (see here for easy apple sauce recipe and add some calvados!) but cranberry sauce or a sweet chutney works well too.

Avocado Fritters

Coat avocado slices in seasoned flour (well seasoned because avocado is rather bland), then beaten egg and finally panko crumbs and shallow fry in a little olive oil till crisp and gorgeous. 

avocado fritters

Panko crumbs make a great coating on deep fried foods too.  I haven’t got a deep fryer and don’t fancy all that faff now but here are a couple of photos from my past …

Pankoed Fish & Chips

Here is a picture of Fish and Chips, as I did it back in the day, relaxing by the pool where I worked in the islands.

panko crusted fish and chips

And these are …

Chicken Tenders coated with Panko and Black Sesame Seeds   

panko crusted chicken tenders

…. which I served with two dipping sauces; crunchy peanut & coconut and sweet chilli & lime.

I have also used panko crumbs mixed with grated cheese and sprinkled on gratins and pasta bakes and mixed with shredded coconut to coat spicy fish cakes.

leftover panko crumbs

Leftover Panko Crumbs?

If I have any unused crumbs left I sauté them up in a dry frying pan, season with a little crunchy sea salt and sprinkle them on salads etc., a kind of pangrattato if you will. You didn’t think I’d waste them, did you?

I am so keen on using up leftovers I even wrote a book about it!

ideas and recipe for leftover food cookbook

Read more here.

download free cooking tips

Having been a somewhat itinerant chef for over 30 years I was amazed, on my return to the UK, at the blatant food waste that now seems to be rife in the country; amazed and irritated. So much so that I decided to start a blog about spontaneous cooking from leftovers to show people that there are great alternatives to throwing food away.


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